Lorraine Elementary Hosts Box Out Bullying Workshops

Buffalo, N.Y.—In anticipation of Anti-Bullying Month in October, Lorraine Elementary hosted 3 days of workshops for staff, parents,Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 9.46.35 PM and students through Box Out Bullying productions. Box Out Bullying presents to school districts across the nation in the form of live theater.

The interactive presentations are designed to further create a partnership between home and school, where the same anti-bullying “language” Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 9.53.29 PMScreen Shot 2014-12-07 at 1.22.48 PM
and support activities are consistently presented. Students were thrilled with the highly humorous and meaningful presentations.

A part of the Box Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 9.48.05 PMOut Bullying program involves a school community assessment, which is calculated by online student interviews. On average, Lorraine students scored the school at the top of almost every category for bully prevention and feeling safe when coming to school.