Empowering Your Child, End Bullying: Parent Workshops

Our highly interactive bullying prevention parent workshop series Keeping Kids Safe equips attendees with the skills to identify bullying, to work collaboratively with school faculty and administration, and to create a safe and supportive environment for children to thrive — academically, socially, and emotionally. Each session is comprised of:

Parent Workshops

Helps sets a welcoming tone where participants can share experiences, build connections, and addressing issue effectively.

Parent Workshops (2)

Expert Presenters actively involve audience members throughout the workshop, creating a dynamic learning experience.

Parent Workshops (3)

Provides an opportunity for participants to seek guidance from our team, get clarification, and gain deeper insights into strategies.

Turning Parents Into Partners

Our bullying workshop for parents emphasizes collaboration. We support you in strengthening relationships between families, educators, and partners to promote positive outcomes and improve the development and health of every learner.

Sample Workshop Topics

  • Duration: 45-90 minutes per session

    Topic: Empowering Parents to Guide Children in Handling Bullying Situations

    Participation Options: This workshop is available both virtually and in-person to accommodate your preferences and scheduling needs. You can choose to attend one, two, or all three sessions.

    Detailed Write-up:

    In our “Parents, What to Do If…” workshop, you will gain essential tools and strategies to empower your children to become stand-up citizens and critical players in safely resolving bullying situations. This comprehensive session is designed to equip parents with practical guidance on handling various bullying scenarios their children might face, whether at school, online, or in social settings.

    Session 1: What to Do If Your Child is Being Bullied

    In the first session, we focus on how to support your child if they are the target of bullying. Key topics covered include:

    • Recognizing the Signs of Bullying: Learn how to identify the subtle and overt signs that your child might be experiencing bullying.
    • Effective Communication Strategies: Discover ways to create open lines of communication with your child, ensuring they feel safe and supported.
    • Building Resilience and Confidence: Explore techniques to boost your child’s self-esteem and resilience, helping them stand up against bullies.
    • Intervention Tactics: Understand the steps to take when your child is bullied, including how to approach school authorities and other parents.
    • Resources and Support: Access resources and support networks to assist you and your child during this challenging time.

    Session 2: What to Do If Your Child Witnesses Bullying

    The second session focuses on empowering your child to act responsibly and supportively if they witness bullying. Key topics covered include:

    • Encouraging Empathy and Courage: Teach your child the importance of empathy and standing up for others.
    • Safe Intervention Techniques: Learn strategies your child can use to intervene or seek help when they witness bullying safely.
    • Promoting a Supportive Environment: Understand how to foster a culture of kindness and support at home and in your child’s social circles.
    • Reporting and Documentation: Learn how to guide your child in reporting bullying incidents to the appropriate authorities and documenting what they witness.
    • Role-Playing Scenarios: Participate in role-playing exercises to practice how your child can respond to bullying.

    Session 3: What to Do If Your Child is Bullying Others

    The third session addresses handling situations if your child is bullying. Key topics covered include:

    • Identifying Root Causes: Understand why children may bully others and how to address these issues.
    • Effective Communication and Discipline: Learn how to communicate effectively with your child about their behavior and implement appropriate disciplinary measures.
    • Promoting Positive Behavior: Discover strategies to encourage empathy, kindness, and positive behavior in your child.
    • Restorative Practices: Explore restorative practices that can help your child make amends and learn from their mistakes.
    • Ongoing Support and Monitoring: Learn how to provide ongoing support and monitor your child’s behavior to prevent future bullying incidents.

    By the end of this workshop series, you will have a comprehensive toolkit of strategies and resources to effectively guide your children in becoming proactive, confident, and compassionate individuals who can navigate and resolve bullying situations safely and constructively.