Resources for Improving Adolescent Health

As part of Adolescent Health: Think, Act, Grow® (TAG), a national call to action, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services developed resources for youth-serving organizations, families, and youth.

TAG Talks Video Series

A series of videos featuring adolescent health experts accompanied by citations, resources, and discussion guides.  Videos in the series include:

TAG Playbook

The recently updated TAG Playbook includes the latest research and data on adolescent health and development. New sections provide action steps for workforce development professionals as well as information about and for adolescents with disabilities. Download the TAG Playbook from the OAH website, or order free bulk copies by emailing

TAG Webinars

Two new webinars highlight activities across the country that exemplify TAG:

  • The Ruth and Norman Rales Center is a Baltimore-based program that works to improve access to health care for teens and younger children in educational settings.
  • The Stanford Teen Health Van is a mobile clinic that provides comprehensive health care to at-risk, uninsured, and/or homeless adolescents in the San Francisco Bay Area.
    See additional webinars featuring programs in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Louisana on OAH’s YouTube playlist.
TAG in Action

These Successful Strategies highlight more than 30 successful program strategies across the country that address one or more of TAG’s Five Essentials for Healthy Adolescents. Youth-serving professionals and families can search for programs by topics such as substance use, school-based services, or health care.